Hyr kajak och SUP: info@kajaktivtjorn.se

Köp kajak och SUP på västkusten – Butik på Tjörn

Guided kayak tours on the swedish west coast

Enjoy the salty winds as you glide silently through Bohuslän's beautiful nature!

A full day among island & skerries

Enjoy the salty winds as we slowly glide through Tjörn’s beautiful nature. For a whole day we paddle along the traditional fishing villages and explore the shallow straits where only a kayak can reach. On one of the hundreds of islands we take a break and there is the opportunity for a cooling dip while we prepare coffee lunch from Lotta’s Bak & Form. After lunch, the tour continues as we are full of energy and ready to eventually head back to the kayak center.

Klädesholmen at dawn

En lugn och naturnära kvällstur genom Klädesholmens hamn mot fyren Eggskär längst ut i horisonten. Vi paddlar genom smala sund och förbi små öar, om vi har tur så kanske vi får se en säl eller tumlare dyka upp, men vi lovar ingenting. Efter ca en timmes paddling går vi iland och blickar ut över horisonten samtidigt som vi fikar medhavd fika  från Lottas Bak & Form, sen är det dags att bege sig tillbaks till kajakcentret i solnedgången och en fantastisk kväll.

2 days in the most beautiful archipelago

Experience the Bohuslän archipelago during two days of sea kayaking in fantastic paddle waters, explore the shallow bays where only one kayak can reach. After a day at sea, we camp on an island in Bohuslän. When the campsite is ready, you can go on a discovery trip across the island or just lie down and relax or take a dip in the sea. As the evening approaches, we fix dinner, make a fire and enjoy the tranquility. We dare to promise that you will fall asleep well filled with today’s experiences.

5 day kayak adventure in Bohuslän

Enjoy experiences when we gently glide through Bohuslän’s beautiful nature. For a full 5 days you paddle along the traditional fishing villages and explore the shallow straits where only a kayak can reach. On one of the hundreds of islands, we choose a camp site for the night, go on a voyage of discovery or take a cooling dip. We mix the nights so that every other night you live in a nice accommodation in one of the charming fishing villages we pass.


Book your guided tour online